Port Authorities Go Down to Charm City, 52 – 156
Maine’s all-star Port Authorities suffered their first loss at home to the Charm City All-Stars from Baltimore, MD. This game demonstrates the Port Authorities’ plan this year to play more highly-experienced, highly-ranked, and veteran teams in order to hone their own growing game. Charm City’s team is ranked 4th in the WFTDA Eastern Region, right ahead of the Port Authorities at 5th in the East. Though the rankings reflect the Port Authorities’ previously undefeated record in sanctioned play as of the end of 2008 (the Boston Massacre also recently took a bite out of that record), the rankings are somewhat deceiving as Charm City has been skating for a year longer than Maine and has nineteen ranked games under their helmets, as opposed to the Authorities’ four. The all-stars from Baltimore are making a big run at the rankings this year and are bouting heavily with multiple double-headers.

Though Charm City handily defeated the Port Authorities with their heavy-hitting, well-timed, and often strategically snail-paced style of play, the Authorities put up a valiant fight of their own, bringing their own heavy hitting and growing teamwork to the game. Charm City’s Bambi’s Revenge was high scorer with 70 total points, while Maine’s Olive Spankins brought in 23 points and Jacked Rabbit racked up 20. Maine’s MVP was Pivot-extraordinaire Punchy O’Guts, and blocker Holly Gohardly took the MVP for Charm City.
Many thanks to Charm City for making the trip up the coast and bringing their own flavor of high-caliber derby to the state of Maine. Many thanks also to our wonderful fans who graced the seats on our first-ever Sunday afternoon game. We love you!