Calamity Janes vs Skate Free or Die, New Hampshire Roller Derby
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Most Valuable Players
Fisty City Kitty (Calamity Janes) & Dee Stortion (Skate Free or Die)
Calamity Janes Defeat New Hampshire Roller Derby, 241-14
September 27, 2008
The Calamity Janes chalked up a huge victory on Saturday September 27th, handily defeating New Hampshire Roller Derby’s Skate Free or Die 241 – 14. The fans who trudged through the rainy evening for a seat in the Expo were served up an exciting and fun game, great music from Miss Fairchild, and divine spinning by the inimitable DJ This was the Janes’ third bout and NH’s first. The Skate Free or Die skaters played hard and never backed down for a second, and the sportswomanship of both teams showed. The Janes’ training over the summer and fall was evident and paid off in spades with excellent teamwork, endurance, and thoughtful and tough play across the entire roster, with MVP’s being awarded to Fist City Kitty, blocker for the Janes, and Dee Stortion, blocker/jammer for NH.